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Congratulations to Ms. Applewhaite, The Girlcott Committee and the English Department for the festive afternoon including a period fashion show, dancing the maypole, skits and student work on display.  Our student performers/ participants were awesome!  Thankfully, the afternoon activities also exposed our students to old-time favourites such as 50’s/60’s music, marbles, hopscotch and jump rope.  We were amazed by how many students were unfamiliar with the latter, but we were pleasantly pleased with the level of participation and engagement.


As Girlcott season draws to an end, we extend a special thank you to Ms. Applewhaite for her foresight and commitment to bring “One Island; One Book” to life!  Thank you to the entire English Department and the Girlcott Committee for hosting a phenomenal closing celebration in honour of Mrs. Florenz Webb Maxwell last night. Special thanks also goes to Dr. Henry-Young and her Meal Management students who provided a delectable dinner for special guests. Thank you to Mr. Woolridge who entertained with live musical selections throughout the evening, and student performers Keimya Smith (S1) and Dennajye Paynter (S4) who delighted the audience with their talents. Thank you to everyone who made this evening a resounding success!



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